Embedded signing (also called the envelope recipient view) enables users to view and sign documents directly through your app or website. To use embedded signing, your app must:
- Generate signing URLs
- Authenticate the envelope recipients
- Present the signing request in the app UI
- Redirect the user once the transaction is complete
1. Create a template in web admin
2. Use the create sign request API to create a new envelope. If it succeeds, you can get signing URLs in the response.
Here is a sample response from a "create sign request" API call:
"docName": "Example-One-Way-Non-Disclosure-Agreement.pdf",
"fileSize": 18806,
"subject": "Please sign the document.",
"recipients": [
"id": 1016257209,
"index": 0,
"indexFrom": -1,
"name": "Joe Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"order": 1,
"code": "",
"state": 0,
"url": "https://docmadeeasy.com/sign-pdf-v9?doc=2705&r=0&rn=Joe+Doe&re=joe.doe%40mailinator.com&ras=false&dec=false&h=b53293f94db7a175942bf9777cd4f0fb7859b5caa92d8b6d4d245012ab48b499#4WXM672trtPVo9xNQjnaeou3ZRv9GevebN5m4ptVHkRs",
"urlWithExpiry": "https://docmadeeasy.com/sign-pdf-v9?doc=2705&r=0&rn=Joe+Doe&re=joe.doe%40mailinator.com&ras=false&dec=false&le=1668360260293&h=b7c1956fbe6d259af70a421da6057047af31b029242116410065c088f2c92c72&he=le,#4WXM672trtPVo9xNQjnaeou3ZRv9GevebN5m4ptVHkRs",
"auditUrl": "",
"updateTime": 0,
"select": 1
"success": true,
"envelopeType": 0,
"sentTime": 1668359960288,
"updateTime": 1668359960289,
"id": "C4rZzYY3ugKHifyXZG1wRmr4jUtbYyk1f",
"message": "Hello {{recipient_name}},\n\n{{sender_name}} has sent you a new document to view and sign. Please click on the link to begin signing."
The value of "url" in the response JSON string is the signing URL.
3. Use the signing URLs on the client side.
Client Side
Add this line of code to your website:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://docmadeeasy.com/js/embedded.js"></script>
Then call this function to start signing:
function embeddedSign(url, container, callbacks, dimension)
Parameter | Description |
url | The signing URL obtained from calling creating sign request API |
container | The ID of the container that the iframe will append to |
callbacks | An object with properties [loaded, signed, reassigned, declined, error] and their values are functions for handling the callback event. |
dimension | An object with property width and height. Default value is {width: '100%', height: '100%'} |
Callback Event Name | Description |
loaded | Called when PDF document is loaded. |
signed | Called when PDF document is signed. |
reassigned | Called when signer has reassigned it to someone else. |
declined | Called when signer has declined signing. |
error | Called when an error occurred. |
Example 1:
let url = "https://docmadeeasy.com/sign-pdf-v9?doc=2664&r=0&rn=Alice&re=k212%40mailinator.com&pf=eyJmaWVsZF9jb21wYW55IjoibXNmdCIsImZpZWxkX2Nib3giOiJ5ZXMiLCJmaWVsZF90aXRsZSI6InNhbGVzIHZwLiJ9&h=811b14b51236c6398e1143fb3b165716325a707d05ad0e0a36e8d2fe06c74299&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com#8e3E933qgiHr27pxiQJPbP9hLX5qcAcRzmq2GdULaJgP";
let callbacks = { "loaded": function(){ console.log("loaded ---"); }, "signed": function(){console.log("signed---");} }
embeddedSign(url, "signcontainer", callbacks);
Example 2:
let url = "https://docmadeeasy.com/sign-pdf-v9?doc=2664&r=0&rn=Alice&re=k212%40mailinator.com&pf=eyJmaWVsZF9jb21wYW55IjoibXNmdCIsImZpZWxkX2Nib3giOiJ5ZXMiLCJmaWVsZF90aXRsZSI6InNhbGVzIHZwLiJ9&h=811b14b51236c6398e1143fb3b165716325a707d05ad0e0a36e8d2fe06c74299&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com#8e3E933qgiHr27pxiQJPbP9hLX5qcAcRzmq2GdULaJgP";
let callbacks = { "loaded": function(){ console.log("loaded ---"); }, "signed": function(){console.log("signed---");}, "error": function(){console.log("error occurred---");} }
let dim = {width:'800px', height:'600px'}
embeddedSign(url, "signcontainer", callbacks, dim);
A full HTML example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<!--Include the required js lib -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://docmadeeasy.com/js/embedded.js"></script>
<body >
let url = "https://docmadeeasy.com/sign-pdf-v9?doc=2664&r=0&rn=Alice&re=k212%40mailinator.com&pf=eyJmaWVsZF9jb21wYW55IjoibXNmdCIsImZpZWxkX2Nib3giOiJ5ZXMiLCJmaWVsZF90aXRsZSI6InNhbGVzIHZwLiJ9&h=811b14b51236c6398e1143fb3b165716325a707d05ad0e0a36e8d2fe06c74299&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com#8e3E933qgiHr27pxiQJPbP9hLX5qcAcRzmq2GdULaJgP";
let callbacks = { "loaded": function(){ console.log("loaded ---"); }, "signed": function(){console.log("signed---");} }
embeddedSign(url, "signcontainer", callbacks);
<!-- Container. Signing area will be appended to this div -->
<div id="signcontainer" style=" display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100vh; flex-direction: column; background-color: blue; overflow: hidden;">
An example document will be displayed in browser for signing: